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Get control of your land lease agreements

Metria® Markkoll

Do you need digital administrative support?


Access to properties is central when new networks for electricity, fibre-optic, telephone, water or sewage are to be laid over a property. Regardless of whether it is a local network, regional network or transmission network, drawn in forests, arable land, pastures, agricultural fields, garden or impediment (land that is unsuitable for forestry or agriculture, for example rock outcrops, bogs and mountains), in Sweden a land lease agreement is needed between the property owner and the line owner.

Land lease agreements regulate obligations, rights and compensation through so-called management rights in accordance with "Ledningsrättslagen (1973:1144)". The right of way regulates both overhead lines, ground cables, shafts and tunnels for cables, poles, braces, cable cabinets, network stations, transformer stations, pump stations and other things that are part of the facility.

According to Energiföretagen's policy for land access, land lease agreements must be signed with affected property owners as far as possible. If an agreement is not reached, a management procedure needs to take place at Lantmäteriet.

What is Metria Markkoll?

Metria Markkoll creates land lease agreements, appraisments, information letters and unparalleled maps in no time for anyone who works with building and maintaining infrastructure, such as electric or fiber-optic lines.

Metria Markkoll English 2024-06-17


Challenges that Metria Markkoll solves

Slow and manual processes

The process for land access issues is all too often worked on in spreadsheets. Associated agreements and documents are created in Word where maps are cut and pasted, agreement by agreement.

Metria Markkoll is a digitized and automated process for handling land issues. It automates repetitive tasks, simplifies collaboration and improves communication between team members.

All documents relating to agreements with landowners are created automatically. Some examples are valuation protocols according to EBR (Electrical Grid Industry Guidelines). Metria Markkoll also take ABEL07 (General regulations for the closure of high-voltage electric power lines in the road area) and REV (National Association of Private Roads) in consideration.

Sections from maps are automatically created based on the encroachment for that particular landowner, and the legend is dynamic according to what is actually on the current section.

Find contact information for property owners

Locating current addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of the landowners (private individuals and communities) is often a challenge. With Metria Markkoll, these come up with the push of a button.

If the data needs further quality assurance, one of our partners will help and do it for you.

Payment details are saved in Metria Markkoll to easily make payments using the API or export via file.

What considerations are there?

When planning land access, there are certain things to take into account, so-called Hänsyn. These are things that can make the processes more expensive or longer, but also be national interests or pure obstacles. Many sources need to be checked to keep track of ancient remains, key biotopes, pearls of the forest, existing rights and biotope protection. Metria Markkoll has a map with consideration in different layers that can be turned on and off. These are things like:

State interests 

  • Outdoor life
  • Highly exploited coast
  • Cultural environment care
  • Mineral
  • National City Park
  • Unbroken coast
  • Unbroken mountain
  • The reindeer husbandry
  • Final storage
  • Watercourse
  • Windmill
  • Professional fishing


  • Power lines
  • Rights on property
  • The quality of property boundaries
  • The Swedish Agricultural Agency's production areas
  • Growth areas for the forest
  • Municipally owned properties
  • Road obstruction
  • Keeper of the road
  • Road name
  • Road drums
Quality defects and mistakes

Because many processes have historically been managed manually, it has been easy to make mistakes. They have been able to be costly to correct and prolonged handling.

Metria Markkoll minimizes errors depending on the human factor by automating repetitive tasks. In addition, information is automatically retrieved from various parts of society, such as the Land Survey.

By working in Metria Markkoll, clients, project managers and administrators gain access to up-to-date information and increase quality and control.

For contractors who do work for a lead owner, the quality improves, so you appear better to the lead owner, which can generate future business.

Safety and legal requirements

Sensitive information is handled in property access matters. Everything from personal data to things that affect the security of the nation.

Metria Markkoll is a secure cloud-based service that does not require local installations, but is operated as a user-friendly, web-based service. All data is handled in Sweden and according to ISO 27001 and GDPR. The information is collected and safe in one place where you know where it is.

Since no companies outside the Nordics are involved, you don't have to think about the CLOUD Act, Privacy Shield, Schrems II or transfers to third countries.


With its cloud-based infrastructure, you can securely access Metria Markkoll anytime, anywhere, from any device.

Do forests need to be valued?

Forests may need to be felled when accessing land, and then the wood needs to be valued. It can be challenging to know which parts of the route that needs to be valued.

Metria Markkoll flags for which parts of the stretch where a Forest assessment needs to be done. The valuation is then done in the field, often by a consultant, and is usually documented in Haglöf HMS. The value of the wood (net root) and own recovery according to the forest standard are easily entered into Markkoll where payment files can be created.

Expensive processes

The process for land access is usually done in spreadsheets where administrators manually fill in documents and cut and paste maps. It is easy to make mistakes with potentially costly penalties. It is difficult to determine whether a contractual conflict is on a central part of the route.

Creating the right maps can be cumbersome and time-consuming. Metria Markkoll collects relevant geographic data and links it to your current business data, for example, cable lengths. With access to the right maps, up-to-date records and automated document management, the process becomes much more efficient, contains fewer errors and is more cost-effective.

Are there any obstacles in the process, e.g. contractual conflicts, it is visualized on the map and it becomes clear whether it is a central part of the route that is difficult to round, or whether it can be solved with small adjustments.

Many agreements to keep track of

In a project, many properties can be affected and they can in turn have many owners. Information letters, land lease agreements and valuation must be sent to all property owners and none must be missed. What has been sent, has it come back signed and where are there contractual conflicts?

All properties and properties that are actually affected will be listed. If you want to add nearby properties, you can of course do that too, e.g. before a consultation. The status of the agreement is flagged in the system and visualized on the map so that you can easily get an overview.

Different projects involve varying roles and responsibilities

Many often have varying roles and responsibilities in different projects or different parts of the project. It can lead to a level of knowledge that is broader instead of deep.

Metria Markkoll is designed to be easy to use and should help you succeed with as little effort as possible.

Lack of synchronization in the landowner contact

Good contact with the landowners can be the difference in getting a successful and fast process.

A lot of time is spent today on administration. By digitizing and automating the administration, time is freed up that can be spent on contact with the landowners.

Being able to easily send out information letters increases communication with the landowners, who become more benevolent and understand what you are doing.

Difficult with overview and information evaluation

In large and small projects, it can be difficult to get an overview of the status of the project. What has been sent, has it come back signed and are there contractual conflicts? Is a contract conflict a stop, or can the route be moved to get around the conflict?

With the map in the center, you can quickly get an overview because the different agreement statuses have different colors. It is easy to see how big a property is, where the drawing goes over the property and alternative drawings are possible.

More systems to work in takes time and creates a risk of information loss

Transferring information between systems takes time and it is easy for information to get wrong during the transfer.

Metria Markkoll brings together many functions that were previously scattered in different systems or manual documents. With exports or API, it is easy to transfer information from Metria Markkoll to subsequent systems, such as invoicing systems.

Risk of delays, which means increased costs

Time is money so any delay is costly. Delays can be due to things such as long processing times, conflicts or things being missed.

The fact that information is missing in a dispatch, the wrong maps have been used, that various considerations are missed or a lot of manual work can lead to delays. Metria Markkoll helps you with all these factors (and many more).

Profitability decreases if we streamline

Many contractors who do work for management owners make a living by billing hours. If efficiencies are made, the number of hours that can be invoiced also decreases.

If your colleagues in the industry do things more efficiently, you will lose future business.

Depending on the design of the procurements, you can invoice your use of Metria Markkoll to the end customer with a margin.

Contractors who do work for management owners can free up time to work with more clients/projects and thus generate income.

Lack of skills and resources

The expansion of, for example, electricity grids must increase. This, together with retirements, lack of trained competence and manual working methods, creates resource shortages and delays.

Streamlining is required to be able to meet this. If Markkoll is used, the efficiency of the process increases by 40–60%. We have customers who have been able to replace a person who is retiring by starting to use Metria Markkoll.

Metria Markkoll is designed to minimize the prior knowledge required.

Use the time to connect with the landowners rather than spending time on administration that can be automated!

Risk making mistakes

When the work is done manually (cut and paste), it is easy to make mistakes. This, in turn, can generate time/costs/legal problems that cannot be invoiced to the customer.

By digitizing and automating these errors are avoided. The correct information is automatically retrieved, maps are correct and there is more time for more value-creating activities.


Efficient process

A digitized and automated process for handling access to land.


Increased quality and control

Customers, project managers and administrators have access to up-to-date information.


Automatiserad avtalsprocess icon-1

Automated contract process

All documents relating to agreements with landowners are created automatically.

Metria Markkoll is the right solution for you if:

  • You have more than 30 information letters or land lease agreements per year in connection with management rights for electricity networks, fiber-optics or water networks.
  • You need current contact details for property owners.
  • You need to get better control and an overview of the process.
  • You need to streamline.
  • You want to digitize and automate a usually manual land access process.


Tips for success with Metria Markkoll:

  • Metria Markkoll can be adapted to your existing processes and routines. But Metria Markkoll has a new, more efficient way of working that didn't exist before, so you get greater value by adapting and simplifying your processes.
  • In order to reach maximum value more quickly, onboarding and support are something that should be utilized.
  • Make sure that all stakeholders (users, decision-makers, entrepreneurs, finance, etc.) are involved in the start-up.
  • Use Metria Markkoll throughout the process; from information letter to signed agreement.
  • To get the best efficiency, the system's full potential should be used with, for example, automated dispatches and integrations.

Härjeåns Nät AB streamlines the electricity network expansion in Härjedalen with Metria Markkoll

Härjeåns Nät AB expands the fiber and electricity network and is responsible for the safe operation of approx. 600 km of lines that supply 27,000 customers with electricity - from Dalarna to Jämtland in the north and between Härjedalen and Västernorrland.

The entire network must be maintained and many areas require new and rebuilding of lines. It is extensive work that affects many landowners.

Digitalization means changed working methods, but it has worked well. Much has been made more efficient with Markkoll. What used to take two days now takes a quarter of an hour.”

Tomas Olofsson - Has worked at Härjeåns since 1981 and has been involved in the development of the energy industry.



Some of our customers


Free number of users
One project
Standard integration
Support via e-mail

795 SEK/property owner

1 345 SEK/community association

Project based (1 project)

Cost for property information are added.


Free number of users
"Free usage"
More integrations
Support via e-mail or telephone
Strategic meetings

Annual cost

>480 property owners per/year

Costs for property information are added.


  • Ortophoto
    True-to-scale aerial images facilitate identification and see exactly where the breach is.
  • Kivra
    Sending directly to digital mailboxes, to the 60% of adults who have Kivra, speeds up the process.
  • Printing service 
    Our partner prints, envelopes and franks for you. They can also receive physical originals and scan them in for you.
  • Landowner portal 
    Communication with the landowners is simple and quick and increases the opportunity for dialogue.
  • Who to invite to Consultation, and Consultation portal 
    Get a list of contact details for those you need to invite to consultation according to 12 kap. 6§ in Miljöbalken (1998:808). Communication takes place via a consultation portal, inside and outside the invited to the consultation. 
  • Login Verification
    Verify logins with Bank ID, Freja eID or another of your preferred services. 
  • Qualitative phone numbers and company information
    Metria Markkoll obtains general information from various sources, such as Lantmäteriet. Sometimes that is not enough, and our partner can verify the information for you.
Do you want to know more about Metria Markkoll?

Contact our experts!

Jonas Brunemalm Sales


Phone: +46 10-490 75 66

Jonas Brunemalm Sales
André Öberg Product leader


Phone: +46 10-121 84 19

André Öberg Product leader
Jonny Siikavaara Product leader


Phone: +46 10-121 81 15

Jonny Siikavaara Product leader

Contact us!

Do you want to know more or have questions? Please contact us.