The Telecom industry
More effective communication with smart maps
We support telecom companies all the way from data collection and analysis to operation and management. We can develop geographic information systems (GIS), map services, package real estate information and solutions based on your business needs, or an IT support with a smart map at the center. Our long experience in system support and our business knowledge allows us to develop a solution no matter what your needs are.
At Metria, we have access to more geodata and a wider range of information than any other player in the Swedish market. As a further step in this, we are expanding our collaboration with the credit information company Syna in Metria's ongoing broadening of information volumes. Thus, we now have the opportunity to include large amounts of company information in our existing products and deliveries. For you as a customer, this means that we can provide a larger part of your information needs in order to more easily and cheaply make the right decisions on a well-informed basis.
If, for example, you need to know which companies are active in a certain area, or on a specific property, and retrieve contact information for the companies (or private individuals), we are happy to help with both area extraction and individual calls per property. For example, it can be about identifying property owners within a certain area or project. If you have a recurring need to get a picture of business activities in different areas, we recommend our upcoming business map layer delivered in our map service Metria Maps.
Examples of services for your business
Metria has developed a web-based service - which, among other things, connects maps with packaged and quality-assured property information to simplify the customer's work with the expansion of fiber networks to their customers.
Radio network planning
The radio network planning package is a specially developed offer for radio network planning. The map information is used to calculate coverage more accurately and cost-effectively, for example when placing radio masts.
We deliver ground models (DEM - Digital Elevation Models), ground cover data (clutter data), object heights (clutter heights) and 3D buildings. Ground models and object heights are based on national laser data. The land cover data is produced using the latest satellite data technology and the best available data from multiple sources. Our solution is seamless and comprehensive in terrain and cities.
Metria Maps
We provide map material to our telecom customers on a daily basis. Partly through integrated solutions in existing systems and partly in a number of our own stand-alone services.
Services adapted to your business
Organisationer, myndigheter och företag inom de flesta branscher fattar dagligen små och stora beslut baserade på geodata. Informationen kommer ofta i form av exempelvis karttjänster och bilder från Metria.
Läs merMarkfrågan är central när nya nät ska byggas. Om ni idag hanterar processen manuellt och i olika system har du antagligen upplevt att det tar lång tid och att det är svårt att få allt rätt från start. Med Metria Markkoll effektiviseras stora delar i kedjan från idé och projektering till samråd, beredning, markåtkomst och förvaltning.
Läs merVåra tjänster ger er tillgång till uppdaterad, kvalitetssäkrad information från fastighetsregistret – 24 timmar om dygnet, sju dagar i veckan. Leveransen är flexibel och kan anpassas efter de behov, arbetssätt och system ni har.
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