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Metria regards sustainability work as an integrated and prioritized component in all operations. We work actively to create business solutions that provide the greatest possible added value for our customers while maximizing environmental, social and financial sustainability. In a world full of business opportunities, we see these two basic requirements – customer benefit and sustainability – as worthy boundaries for both the society around us and our own business.

Sustainability at Metria

As a company, Metria has a goal to meet the societal and commercial needs for geographic information in a reliable, responsible and sustainable way. In line with our objectives, we have chosen a number of focus areas. Continuous work, follow-up and management within these areas strengthens Metria's operations and highlights Metria as a shining example of responsible and sustainable business.

Focus areas and target for sustainability

Based on realistic and achievable goals, Metria has set up three focus areas: climate impact, sustainable business and attractive workplace. Within each focus area, there are set goals that are pursued continuously with follow-up/lessons-learned and control. Metria's internal and external environmental and sustainability work is a large and important part of our profile, where the focus areas are connected with clear synergies.


1. Climate impact

1. Climate impact

▶  Reduce Metria's negative climate impact

▶  Öka Metrias positiva klimatpåverkan

2. Sustainable business

2. Sustainable business

▶  Sustainable procurement

▶  Quality in deliveries

Customer quality


3. Attractive workplace

3. Attractive workplace

▶  Staff turnover

▶  Employee index eNPS

Code of Conduct

In order for sustainability issues to be an integrated part of operations, Metria has created a central sustainability group within the company with representatives from business operations. The sustainability group's work is led by a sustainability officer, who is also responsible for internal environmental audits together with the local environmental coordinators. Metria's sustainability work is based on the national ownership policy and guidelines for companies with state ownership (2015), which include producing a Sustainability Report. Metria also has an overall Code of Conduct that includes environment and sustainability. The Code of Conduct means, among other things, that Metria must follow the principles of the UN's Global Compact and work actively with Agenda 2030 and other governing documents that are presented in that document.

Metria contributes to the global goals

Metria supports the UN Global Compact Initiative and thus takes a stand on issues relating to human rights, working conditions, the environment and corruption. Metria follows the UN's declaration on human rights and the OECD's principles and standards for global companies.

The UN and world leaders have committed to 17 goals and 169 milestones to address the most pressing social, economic and environmental challenges by 2030.

Metria actively works towards the goals that are close to the focus of our business. However, although Metria contributes directly or indirectly to all 17 global goals, the company has chosen to focus on eight of those that have a particular bearing on the key operations. These eight are:

3. Good health and well-being,
8. Decent working conditions and economic growth,
11. Sustainable cities and communities,
12. Sustainable consumption and production,
13. Combat climate change,
14. Seas and marine resources,
15. Ecosystems and biological diversity as well as
16. Peaceful and inclusive societies.

Metria provides authorities and companies with a variety of geodata that describe the natural environment. These are used, among other things, to preserve, restore and ensure the sustainable use of ecosystems, protect biological diversity and natural habitats, and preserve coastal and marine areas.

Our sustainability report demonstrates the operations' work to achieve the prioritized goals and promote sustainable development.

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Metria is certified in ISO 14001 Environment, ISO 9001 Quality and ISO 27001 Information Security. The environmental certification confirms that Metria has built up an environmental management system that includes, among other things, routines for continuous improvements, management of governing and reporting documents and legal compliance, that there is an environmental policy and documented environmental goals and action plans as well as planned and approved environmental audits.

Maintaining high quality in the delivery of our products and services, and thus assuring our customers’ satisfaction, is an important sustainability issue. Metria has an established ISO 9001 certified quality management system.

Whistleblower service at Metria

Metria's vision is to "visualize reality in order to live in a sustainable way". It is of the utmost importance to assure the correct treatment of both employees and the public, and that all work is done in an ethical manner. Our employees understand their important role when it comes to identifying any irregularities.

The purpose of our whistleblowing service is to enable employees to report suspected serious wrongdoing without risk of reprisal. The purpose is also to ensure the correct handling and investigation of whistleblower cases and to preserve the trust of employees and the public in Metria, its operations and decision-makers.

Whistleblower cases will always be treated confidentially and handled on behalf of Metria, by an external law firm. All reports that have been classified as a regular whistleblower case ("Whistleblower reports") are investigated and handled in accordance with Metria's guidelines.

Here you can read Metria's guidelines for whistleblower services in their entirety.

Well-founded decisions with up-to-date geodata

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