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Sustainability at Metria

På Metria är hållbarhet en central del av vår verksamhet. Vi strävar efter att inte bara minska vår egen miljöpåverkan, utan också att hjälpa våra kunder att göra detsamma. Vi arbetar aktivt för att skapa affärslösningar som ger största möjliga mervärde för våra kunder utan att ge avkall på miljömässig, social eller ekonomisk hållbarhet. I en värld full av intressanta affärsmöjligheter ser vi dessa två grundkrav – kundnytta och hållbarhet – som sunda avgränsningar för såväl för samhället omkring oss som vår egen verksamhet.

Climate impact and sustainable business

We offer solutions that help companies meet their climate goals and reporting requirements according to new regulations such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). By combining different types of data from a range of different sources with Metria's own analyses, we can predict with high precision which buildings on a property are most exposed to climate-related risks.

Positive environmental impact

Through our services, you as a customer can contribute to preserving and restoring ecosystems, protecting biological diversity and ensuring sustainable use of natural resources. We use geographic data and advanced analytics to help you make informed decisions that benefit both your business and the environment.

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ISO certifications

Metria works according to ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2025 and 27001:2022. The management system is certified by Scandinavian Business Certification (SB Cert). In this way, Metria ensures that the business meets legal requirements and expectations set by authorities, customers and partners.

Metria contributes to the global goals

Metria supports the UN's Global Compact and works with human rights, working conditions, the environment and corruption. We follow the UN Declaration on Human Rights and the OECD's principles. We focus on eight of the 17 global goals: good health, decent working conditions, sustainable cities, sustainable consumption, combating climate change, oceans and marine resources, ecosystems and biodiversity, and peaceful societies. By providing authorities and companies with geodata, we help preserve ecosystems and protect biological diversity. Our sustainability report shows our work to achieve these goals.

Attractive workplace

We work continuously to create an attractive workplace where sustainability is a natural part of our corporate culture. This includes motivating and engaging our employees through various sustainability initiatives and training. Working for gender equality is also a prerequisite for achieving sustainable development. For us at Metria, equality is about everyone having the same rights, obligations and opportunities. For us, it goes without saying that everyone is equal, has the same value and the right to shape their own lives.

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Our Code of Conduct

Our sustainability work is integrated into our operations and takes place in collaboration within the Spir Group, which reports the group's sustainability work in the annual report in accordance with the requirements for listed companies and EU standards. Our code of conduct includes environment and sustainability, and we follow the UN's Global Compact and work actively with Agenda 2030.

Whistleblower service at Metria

Metria's vision is to "visualize reality in order to live in a sustainable way". It is of the utmost importance to assure the correct treatment of both employees and the public, and that all work is done in an ethical manner. Our employees understand their important role when it comes to identifying any irregularities.

The purpose of our whistleblowing service is to enable employees to report suspected serious wrongdoing without risk of reprisal. The purpose is also to ensure the correct handling and investigation of whistleblower cases and to preserve the trust of employees and the public in Metria, its operations and decision-makers.

Whistleblower cases will always be treated confidentially and handled on behalf of Metria, by an external law firm. All reports that have been classified as a regular whistleblower case ("Whistleblower reports") are investigated and handled in accordance with Metria's guidelines.

Here you can read Metria's guidelines for whistleblower services in their entirety.

Well-founded decisions with up-to-date geodata

We support you from needs analysis to solution, operation and delivery.
Do you have questions? Get in touch!