Up-to-date information about all properties in Sweden
Metria® FastighetSök
Do you need access to real estate information?
Real estate information is business-critical for many businesses, both private and public. Through Metria FastighetSök, you have constant access to updated, quality-assured information from the property register as well as several other sources. The service is easy to integrate into existing systems and is of course also available as a web service ready to start using immediately. For companies looking to take advantage of the latest technology in the real estate sector, our solution is also compatible with proptech platforms, enabling the automation and optimization of your real estate-related processes.

Now we also offer company information in FastighetSök
We can now also offer extended company information as part of our piece transactions via FastighetSök web. When it becomes increasingly important to be able to make connections between property owners, companies, board and management involvement and more, we see a natural connection to also make these amounts of information available via our property information deliveries. For our customers, this means reliable information and smoother processes.

Easy to search
Up-to-date information directly from the property register.

Flexible to use
Independent web service or integrated into your systems.

Custom content
Customize the service's content and the ability to create owner lists for several properties.
What can you find in FastighetSök?
In the service, you get access to up-to-date information about all properties in Sweden, directly from Lantmäteriet's property register and from other partners.
In the service, you can get information about:
- Property designations, addresses, mortgages, and rights
- Legal owner, land right holder and assessed owner
- Taxation information such as e.g. type code, assessed value, living area and year of construction
- Building information and property area
- Easements, Plans and Regulations
- Co-owned properties
- Community association, including for example board members
- Maps and aerial photos of the area
- Civil registration data
- Number of apartments per address and property.
- Apartment information; for example. condominium/tenancy, living area and number of rooms
- Company property holdings
- Company generell information
- Company leadership
Additional functions in FastighetSök
- Home valuation; statistical valuations of detached houses and condominiums
- Lists with, for example, owner information for properties, compiled in a file
- Map support Premium

Additional possibilities
Metria FastighetSök can also be accessed in our products: GeoVis, Skogsanalys, Timmerweb, SeSverige Pro och Metria Maps.
Do you need property information regarding a large number of properties within a specific area or based on certain characteristics? Then a Fastighetsuttag might be suitable.

Residential valuation
We deliver object valuations or stock valuations of all Sweden's single-family houses and condominiums. Object valuation is an integrated component of Metria FastighetSök.

Map support Premium
With Kartstöd Premium it is easy to select the properties for which you want a list of owners in a map. The list contains information about who owns the selected properties.

FastighetSök i ArcGIS
For those who use ArcGIS and need extended information from the property register, we offer a widget that easily connects the map with the service Metria FastighetSök.
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