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Fast, updated map service in your system

Metria® Maps

Are up-to-date maps important in your business?

Metria Maps is a fast and stable map service that is easily integrated into your business systems. Users get access to reliable, updated and quality-assured maps, adapted to your needs.

The maps are based on fresh geodata from Lantmäteriet and other suppliers, all in uniform and attractive cartography delivered from Metria's own operating environment.


Metria Maps facilitates the identification of climate-related risks

Metria offers services that support and simplify the identification of risks for various types of projects and work.

What was previously considered safe may now have changed conditions.

There is information available on risk areas for floods, landslides, mudslides, or erosion.

For forestry, it is useful to know where harmful insects such as bark beetles are widespread or where the risk of fire is high.

Metria Maps risker
The location shown is Henån, 120 kilometers east of Fiskebäckskil.


Map with rights

The map service contains rights (e.g. rights of way and rights of way) and community facilities (e.g. road communities, VA facilities, bathing areas) that are linked to a certain property. The map gives a good overview of occurrences and distribution of management rights, which are interesting in connection with different types of projects.

Metria Maps rättigheter webb


Land regulatory provisions

The map layer provides a good overview of which plans and land regulatory provisions apply to a certain area or property, e.g. detailed plans, subdivision plans, building plans, and more.


Metria Maps markreglerande bestämmelser webb


The forest owner map provides an overview of Sweden's largest forest owners

The forest owner map reports Sweden's large forest owners on a national level and gives you a quick overview of their holdings. The map is suitable for overview planning and is useful for you as: want an overview of the holdings of the large forest owners (often the Swedish state or forest companies) want to know which large forest owners are in your area of ​​interest are timber buyers against the private market - already at an early stage you see which areas the large forest owners own The forest owner map is the result of careful analysis of property boundaries and owner information from the land register, based on properties owned by legal entities with a holding of at least 1000 ha of forest. The map is updated once a year and can be delivered both as a map service and file delivery. For a thorough search of affected landowners on individual properties for e.g. mailing or other contact, we recommend Metria FastighetsSök or Metria Fastighetsuttag for maximum timeliness and reliability.

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With Metria Maps you get

Customized maps according to your needs

Tailor-made functions and customized content in Metria Maps ensure that you get the data that is most useful to your business. The maps can be combined with different layers of information or used to connect with information from other sources, such as Metria FastighetSök.

Possibility to add your own data

If you need help storing and servicing your own data, we can help. With Metria's Geodata Center and Geodata Warehouse, we have the entire infrastructure to store, update and quality assure your data. With Metria Maps you can then consume this or combine it with one of our other services.

Secure operation and support

With own operation and support together with a Service Level Agreement (SLA), you get a reliable map service with high availability. To help you, Metria has a strong consulting organization with expertise in GIS and Geodata.

Opportunity to grow and develop

Metria always strives to be at the forefront of technology and geodata and is constantly expanding with new technical solutions and data content based on market needs. With new services and applications, you as a customer can grow in the offer.


Maps according to your needs

Whether you are looking for a simple background map or detailed map information, we have a service for your needs. Map services are tailored to your content and functional needs.


Background maps

Metria Maps provides background maps for all needs. All have consistent cartography across all scales and are adapted for on-screen display.


Aerial and satellite imagery

Whatever the level of detail, we have a service for you. Metria Maps offers everything from satellite images, IR orthophotos to orthophotos in different resolutions. Why not combine an orthophoto with property boundaries?


Additional services

Metria Maps offers a variety of additional services such as soil moisture map, terrain shading, forestry information, information on nature and culture, plans and regulations or e.g. roads from NVDB.

How do you handle ambiguities in the map?

The position of the property boundaries in the map can look very definite and self-evident, while in reality they have a positional uncertainty that can be both large and small, depending on the accuracy with which they are measured. If you work out in the field, question marks can arise that sometimes require pure detective investigations to bring clarity. Metria makes it easier for you by offering you a separate map layer with the location uncertainty of the property boundaries so that you know what margins your project needs. If necessary, you can also get in-depth property information.
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Permanent residence, businesses and other stakeholders

In the event of a change in land use, permission is usually required from both the authorities and those concerned. An aerial photograph or a standard background map usually does not show everything in a current investigation or project area. If the map contains sufficient information, there is the possibility of prioritizing the placement of infrastructure. For example, it may be about connecting or avoiding impact on properties where there are homes with, permanent residences, holiday homes or other buildings. Whether a project affects other activities can also be important to understand, especially before a consultation process. Metria will be happy to help you package the information you need to make safer decisions.

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Accessibility when new infrastructure is laid in the ground

When expanding infrastructure such as electricity grids, fiber, water, sewage and district heating, diggability is of interest. Discovering rocks during the day or encountering areas with excessive soil moisture can delay, increase costs and, in the worst case, stop a project. Therefore, it is important to identify in advance lanes with suitable soil depth, free of pollution and without other obstacles. Information showing whether it is an area of ​​high ecological status and species richness or if it is full of invasive species also comes into play. At Metria, we help you as a projector to ensure that you have the right documentation. As a GIS specialist who wants to do more advanced analyses, you can also get help in avoiding the sometimes arduous work of identifying and maintaining all the data.





Fast, up-to-date, quality-assured and user-friendly maps directly accessible in your systems.



The map service can be easily customized to work optimally with your needs and procedures. Manner, function or content - anything is possible.


Easy to integrate

A machine-to-machine service in both OGC and ArcGIS REST technology that easily integrates with existing products and solutions.

Sveaskog gets high quality and delivery security with Metria Maps

With its three million hectares, Statliga Sveaskog is Sweden's largest forest owner. In order to carry out extensive, sustainable and efficient forestry, large amounts of geodata of various types are required. Sveaskog meets the entire organization's need for up-to-date information in an efficient way with the Metria Maps map service.

Our own data in combination with external geodata is a prerequisite for making the decisions required for sustainable and efficient forestry. We handle large areas and it is important to be able to make a proper assessment in the field. Geodata gives an overview and understanding of what is in and around an area even before we visit the place. There are many suppliers who can deliver expertise and solutions on the client side, but when it comes to the storage and delivery of geodata, the range is more limited. It feels safe that Metria sees it as its main task.


Mattias Tengbrand is a system administrator at staff IT at Sveaskog in
Östersund. He is responsible for ensuring that the organization has access
to the geographic information (geodata) that they need.

Do you want to know more about Metria Maps?

Contact our experts!


Anders Laestander Kundrådgivare


Telefon: 010-121 83 14

Anders Laestander Kundrådgivare
Daniel Jannok Produktledare


Telefon: 070-365 97 17

Daniel Jannok Produktledare
Sara Dahlén Kundrådgivare


Telefon: 010-121 83 26

Sara Dahlén Kundrådgivare

Please feel free to contact us!

Do you want to know more our have questions? Please contact us.