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AI-generated energy data of residential properties

What energy renovations do mortgage holders need to make for banks to meet their climate targets?

Upcoming regulations (CSRD) and existing initiatives (SBTi, Net-Zero Banking Alliance) require banks to set climate targets and implement transition plans to achieve them.

With the introduction of the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), large companies are expected to face stricter climate reporting requirements from 2024. This means that companies will have to comply with the new European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and carry out more detailed reporting on sustainability aspects, including climate emissions.

The new requirements mean that companies must report on emissions from their own operations (scope 1), emissions from heat and energy purchases (scope 2) and screen indirect emissions (scope 3) from the supply chain. Companies must also report on measures to reduce emissions.

One of the major challenges with these requirements is the availability of data, especially for scope 3 emissions. Many companies have long value chains and the available data is often standardized and does not fully reflect the company's actual scope 3 emissions.


We offer energy performance on individual properties

Through a new collaboration, Metria and Hemma can offer energy performance of individual properties with associated data quality scores that the bank can use for reporting purposes or insights on the property portfolio. By combining Metria's extensive property and business information with Hemma's specialized models and knowledge of household energy performance, our customers in the financial industry will get better decision support for sustainability-related investments and lending decisions and eventually improve the energy efficiency of their property portfolio.

Our solution provides a comprehensive picture of energy efficiency that allows us to identify properties with poor energy performance and thus already start a dialog with property owners.

For example, which ones are at risk of not meeting future minimum energy class levels or if a property is likely to be classified as top 15% according to the EU taxonomy and should be processed to obtain an energy declaration.

Energy performance data at building level

Hemma has a unique platform that delivers energy performance data on all houses of type code 220 through advanced AI models. By accessing energy performance data at the property level, banks can improve the data quality of their sustainability reporting, gain insights and approach their customers in a structured way to ensure future compliance.

  • Issued energy class (A-G) and primary energy figure
  • Issued date of energy declaration
  • Information on whether property has a valid energy declaration
  • Conversion of issued energy declarations to BBR29
  • Primary heating source
  • Emission intensity (kCO2e/m2/year)
  • Identification of transition risks - buildings in need of energy efficiency improvements
  • Investment needs to address transition risks
  • Physical climate risks incl. risk classification at building level

Metria and Hemma solution offers energy performance on individual properties

Through their collaboration, Metria and Hemma can offer energy performance on individual properties with associated data quality scores that the bank can use for reporting purposes or insights on the property portfolio. By combining Metria's extensive property and business information with Hemma's specialized models and knowledge of household energy performance, our customers in the financial industry will get better decision support for sustainability-related investments and lending decisions and eventually improve energy efficiency within a property portfolio.

Metria's and Hemma's solution provides an overall picture of energy efficiency, which makes it possible to identify properties with poor energy performance and thus already start a dialog with the property owners.

Quality assured real estate information

There are approximately 3.4 million properties in Sweden. Information about all of them is registered in the Land Register, which contains information about property designation, addresses, property owners, purchase price, assessed values, area, coordinates, buildings, mortgages and easements.

Metria offers updated and quality-assured real estate information from the Land Register, the Housing Register, self-produced analysis data and other data sources.

Want to know more about AI-generated energy data of residential properties?

Contact our experts

Johan Hedman Key Account Manager


Telephone: 010-121 84 46

Johan Hedman Key Account Manager

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