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Metria Ortofoto svart/vit (Orthophoto black and white)

Orthophoto black and white contains orthogonal projected (scale corrected) aerial photographs (orthophotos) in black and white that cover the entire country.

Product description

Timeliness: Air years 2014 onwards
Delivery format:
Jpeg, Tiff
0.5 m/pixel

Orthophotos are created from digital aerial photographs that have been geometrically corrected and assembled into a true-to-scale representation of the ground. Lantmäteriet carries out new aerial photography every year, covering about 30% of the entire surface of Sweden. For southern Sweden and areas along the Norrland coast, the surfaces are photographed every two years, while other parts of the country are photographed every two to four years.

Orthophotos are often used in combination with other geodata and provide a basis for spatial planning, environmental monitoring and land use planning and monitoring.

Some examples of uses:

  • Background image for map reporting
  • Inventory material for checking the timeliness of existing map bases
  • Planning material for architects and street offices
  • Presentation material for plans, decisions and ideas
  • Presentation material for environmental impact assessments and localizations
  • Communication material for the public and politicians
  • Documentation for forest inventory, vegetation inventory and project planning


Immediate delivery in the formats you want.


It's easy

Order via the map or product card.


Available at all times

Always open, pay by card or invoice.

How to shop in our e-commerce

To shop in our e-commerce, you can choose between;

  • payby card with access to raster products and reports and pay per purchase by credit card. You create an account directly in the service and you are quickly up and running.
  • sign an agreement and become a premium user and you also get access to vector products and the option to choose more formats. You pay by invoice or card. An agreement costs SEK 1,500 per year and an initial fee of SEK 500.

If you have any questions or would like to sign a contract, please contact or one of our sales representatives.

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Do you want to know more about Metria Orthophoto Black and White?

Get in touch with our experts!

Linus Bruce Product Manager


Telephone: 010-121 83 25

Linus Bruce Product Manager

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