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Metria Fastighetsrapport (Metria Property Report)

Metria® Fastighetsrapport

Metria Property report combines property information, map and orthophoto in one and the same report

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Do you want to know more about a property?

Are you looking for information about a property in the form of address, location, area, legal title, registrations, rights, plans, regulations and antiquities, assessment information and share in community facilities and communities and measures?

Metria Property Report gives you all that and you get the property marked on a map, orthophoto and historical orthophotos. All in one report.

You order the report easily through Metrias e-commerce and you get it delivered immediately. For legal reasons, we are not allowed to show ownership information in the report, read more about how you can get hold of this information in the questions & answers below.

Curious about what the Fastighetsrapport looks like? 

Se exempel på Fastighetsrapporten

All in one

Property information, map and orthophoto in one and the same report.



Select your property and order the report.



Always open, pay by card or invoice.

How to buy the report

  1. Log in to the service. If you don't have access, read more here.
  2. Search for your property using either the search function at the top left or pan/zoom in the map.
  3. Select by right-clicking on the property and select "Property report".
  4. Click on "Buy the Property Report" in the box that appears.
  5. Click on the shopping cart in the upper right corner to check out and complete the purchase.
  6. The report is produced and is then available under View orders, at the top right, alternatively via the link in the confirmation you receive via email.

Of course, you can supplement with the purchase of other products before you check out of the shopping cart.

Metria Fastighetsrapport is available via Metrias e-commerce. Here you can read more about our e-commerce

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Questions and answers about Metria Fastighetsrapport

How often are the maps updated?

The property map is updated every 14 days. The overview map and the orthophoto are updated according to planning done at the Land Survey. The historical orthophotos and maps are not updated.

The boundary of the property is wrong, goes in the middle of the street or over my house, why is this?

The property boundaries in these maps should be seen as an illustration of the location, they do not always show the right and they are not legally binding. This means that you should not proceed from the boundaries of this map when building, felling forest or other measures on a property.

How often are the boundaries in the map updated?

The borders are updated daily by the Land Survey, but Metria downloads new data from the Land Survey every 14 days and after that the map in the reports is updated.

My property has multiple areas and I only see a limited area around each area on the map. Why?

A detailed map of all parcels in a larger map with more coverage can be ordered from one of Metria's e-commerce services which can be found here.

Date under "Last change in general section", what does it mean?

The date is when the Land Surveying Authority last made any changes affecting the property.

Why are there multiple addresses on my statement?

A property can have many addresses. For example, a rental property that has several floors and then also several addresses.

What is location and map?

Location, map is only a heading. What is reported under the heading are central point coordinates for the property.

Why is there no information about who owns the property?

In this service, for legal reasons, we are not allowed to show the names of private owners of the property.

How do I find out who is the owner?

If you are a company that has a recurring need to also obtain information about property owners and perhaps also other information about the property, you should contact Metria AB on tel. 010-121 82 00 or via email: If you are a private person who wants to know who owns a certain property, you can contact Lantmäteriet's customer service on tel. 0771-636363.

What does legal relationship mean under Rights?

Legal relationship is if, for example, an easement burdens (Load) or is in favor of the property.

How often is the information updated?

Information about the property in this report is taken directly from the Property Register and the information is updated every day. The pricing information is normally updated once a year.

What is an Action?

One measure could be that a property is sectioned off, for example through a property regulation. It is the Land Survey that reports measures in the Property Register.

I believe that the information reported in the Property Report is incorrect. Where do I go with my views?

The Land Survey is responsible for the content of the Property Register. Contact their customer service: tel. 0771-636363 For questions about the content of maps and orthophotos, contact Metria's customer service: Tel: 010 - 121 82 00 Email:

How often is the pricing information updated?

Normally 1 time per year. New assessment is normally reported in October each year. The General assessment is done every 3 years by the Swedish Tax Agency.

Do you want to know more about Metria Fastighetsrapport?

Contact our experts!

Linus Bruce Produktledare


Telefon: 010-121 83 25

Linus Bruce Produktledare
Roger Jonsson Produktledare


Telefon: 010-121 86 07

Roger Jonsson Produktledare

Contact us!

Do you want to know more or have questions? Please contact us.