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Garmin Outdoor Map Prime v2

The Prime v2 outdoor map is the most exclusive topographic map available for your Garmin GPS.

Product description

The Prime v2 outdoor map is the most exclusive topographic map available for your Garmin GPS. With map data at a scale of 1:10,000 provided by Lantmäteriet, you always get the absolute latest map material and all the help you want for hunting, hiking or surveying. You get access to information on contour lines with height information, vegetation in several classes, boundaries, property designations, buildings, roads, trails, mountain information and much more. Everything is presented in the GPS navigator with the highest level of detail. When hunting, it is important to stay within the boundaries of your hunting grounds, and Friluftskartan Prime v2 offers exactly the information you need.


Friluftskartan Prime is sold in map areas from 10x10 up to 50x50 kilometers and is available for the whole of Sweden. You choose how big the map area should be and which part you want to buy.


The Prime v2 outdoor map is produced from map material at a scale of 1:10 000. The basic data is taken from map data in vector format supplied by Lantmäteriet - Topography 10 and Real Estate Division (1:10,000). The combination of these map materials provides a total coverage of Sweden and the best possible presentation in your GPS.

microSD card

The outdoor map Prime v2 is delivered on mSD/SD card. The mSD/SD card can be used in all compatible Garmin GPSs. The map can be loaded into BaseCamp®, the complete tool for your Garmin navigator. BaseCamp allows you to save and edit waypoints, routes and tracks. You can also easily plan and create new waypoints and routes on your PC and transfer them to your GPS. BaseCamp is available for free download at


To think about before buying

  • If you buy the map on a MicroSD card, you can use the map in any (compatible) Garmin GPS.

  • See the list "devices compatible with Friluftskartan Prime v2" to ensure that your product works with Prime v2. Link to compatible devices can be found here:Compatible devices

  • Friluftskartan Prime is adapted to the map program BaseCamp®, does not work with Map Source.

  • The map is compatible with BaseCamp® regardless of the format you choose. Please note that you need to connect your GPS to the computer to see the map material in BaseCamp as the map material is mirrored from there.

  • When purchasing several areas at the same time, each part will be delivered on a separate microSD card. This means that if you buy two areas, for example, two microSD cards will be delivered to you.



Immediate delivery in the formats you want.


It's easy

Order via the map or product card.


Available at all times

Always open, pay by card or invoice.

How to shop in our e-commerce

To shop in our e-commerce, you can choose between;

  • payby card with access to grid products and reports and pay per purchase by credit card. You create an account directly in the service and you are quickly up and running.
  • Pay by voucher.

If you have any questions or would like to sign a contract, please contact or one of our sales representatives.

Till e-handeln
Do you want to know more about Garmin Outdoor Map Prime v2?

Get in touch with our experts!

Linus Bruce Product Manager


Telephone: 010-121 83 25

Linus Bruce Product Manager
Metria Customer Service Metria Customer Service


Telephone: 010-121 80 00

Metria Customer Service Metria Customer Service

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