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Processing of personal data

Valid from October 14, 2021

Introduction to this document

Metria AB (hereinafter "Metria", "we" or "us") is a company that offers GIS(geographic information system) and geographic information solutions to the market in the form of, among other things, map services, geographic analysis and services for real-time searches in the land register.

Through its services and products, Metria meets a need in society for access to geodata (geographic information and real estate information), among other things, to be able to conduct social planning and socially beneficial activities. There is a need in government, municipal and private operations for various actors to be able to conduct land development, transportation planning, environmental work, lending and property sales, for example.

Personal integrity is important to Metria. People who entrust us with their personal data should feel secure about how personal data is handled and protected.


Below you will find information about what personal data we collect, for what purposes and how we process the data. It can be processing we do in relation to you as a customer, potential customer or supplier to us - or processing we do within the framework of our services.

How Metria processes the personal data of employees or job applicants is not described here. If you are a Metria employee, you can find information about how Metria processes your personal data on the intranet. If you are a job applicant, you can find information about how Metria processes your personal data on our career pages (

Personal data

Personal data means information that can be attributed to you as a natural person, such as name, address and telephone number.

What personal data do we collect and for what purpose?

The personal data we process about you as acustomer of ours is mainly your name and contact details in order to fulfil our contract for access to our services or products or to provide you with other relevant information about the services or products you have access to. We may also process your personal data, even if you are not a customer of ours, e.g. to provide you with information and offers about our services.You can read more about the personal data we collect and process about our customers under the heading "Personal data about a customer or potential customer of Metria".

The personal data we collect about you as asupplier is mainly name and contact information in order to administer the supplier agreement. Under the heading "Personal data about suppliers to Metria" you can read more about the personal data we collect and process about representatives of Metria's suppliers.

Under the heading "Personal data in Metria's services and products" we explain what personal data may be present in our services and products.

Personal data of a customer or potential customer of Metria

Collection of personal data

The collection of your personal data can be both active and passive. Active collection takes place, for example, when you become a customer of Metria by ordering products or services. If you do not actively provide the information to us, but the collection takes place in another way, the collection is considered passive, which can happen, for example, if we collect personal data in order to carry out a marketing campaign.

The purposes of processing personal data

Personal data is processed only for the purposes and purposes described in this notice.

Metria only processes personal data to the extent that such processing is necessary for our services and products or for such other purposes as set out below.

Purposes of processing personal data

We process personal data of customers for the following purposes:

  • Provision of our services and products in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions
  • Managing the business relationship with you or the Metria customer you represent
  • Developing and improving our services and products
  • Providing you as a customer or potential customer of Metria with information and offers about our services

Personal data

Personal data relating to you that Metria may process is contact information (e.g. name, e-mail address and telephone number), user information (e.g. name and e-mail address) and other information that Metria receives from you through your contact with us.

Legal basis

The processing of your personal data is based on contract, consent, legal obligations and legitimate interest. In the case of legitimate interest, we use your data, for example, to provide you with information about our offers and services.

Storage and deletion of personal data

How long personal data will be stored depends on the personal data concerned and the purpose of its processing. Personal data is only retained for as long as there is a need to retain it to fulfill the purposes for which the data was collected.

Metria will keep your data for as long as you are a customer of the company, and for a further 36 months for the above purposes. Thereafter, it will be retained for various legal requirements, such as the Accounting Act. Once that time has passed, your personal data will be deleted.

Processing of personal data for marketing purposes

Metria may use your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

You always have the right to request that the personal data held by Metria is not used for direct marketing. See further under the heading"Your rights " below.

Information about location-based services and products

In order to provide you as a customer with location-based products and services, Metria may collect, use and store precise location data, including the real-time geographic location of your computer or device. We use various technologies to track location, such as GPS, Bluetooth and your IP address, as well as Wi-Fi hotspots and cell tower locations. This helps us, for example, to offer you the possibility to create tracks and share your tracks with others.

Personal data of suppliers to Metria

Purposes of processing personal data

The processing of your personal data is necessary for Metria to be able to administer purchase agreements, handle invoices and to be able to ask questions to the supplier regarding the products or services that Metria buys.

Personal data

Metria processes personal data regarding representatives of supplier companies with which Metria has or intends to enter into agreements. Personal data processed may include name, telephone number, e-mail and title and other information that Metria receives from you through your contact with us.

Legal basis

In order to enter into and manage agreements with suppliers, Metria processes personal data belonging to persons who are representatives of the suppliers. Some personal data may also be processed because Metria has a legal obligation to do so, such as personal data on invoices as a result of accounting obligations.

Storage and deletion of personal data

How long a personal data will be stored depends on the personal data in question and the purpose of its processing. Personal data is only kept for as long as there is a need to keep it in order to fulfill the purposes for which the data was collected.

Your name and contact details will be stored in Metria's supplier register for the duration of the supplier relationship and thereafter for accounting purposes for 10 years.

Personal data in Metria services and products

Purpose and legal basis

Provision of geodata and archival purposes.

Through its services and products, Metria meets a need in society for access to current and historical geodata, among other things, to be able to conduct social planning and socially useful activities. There is a need in government, municipal and private operations for various actors to be able to conduct land development, transportation planning, environmental work, lending and property sales, for example.

Since Metria's services fulfill an important social function and only process personal data that is available in open sources, Metria bases its processing on the legal basis oflegitimate interest.

Personal data

The personal data included in Metria's services and products are mainly property names, apartment numbers and addresses, but also information about property owners, such as names and social security numbers, are included.


Metria's services and products contain geographical information from a number of sources. The external sources from which personal data is collected are: Lantmäteriet, SYNA AB and Valueguard AB. Metria has agreements with these suppliers that set conditions for Metria's use of the information.

Categories of recipients

Personal data is disclosed to Metria's customers, i.e. companies, private individuals and other organizations that need real estate information.

Personal data in Metria's social channels

Hereyou will find more information about how Metria works in social channels.

Purpose of processing personal data

The processing of personal data in Metria's social channels such as Facebook and LinkedIn takes place for the purpose of marketing Metria's services and products and marketing Metria as an employer.

Personal data processing

Metria mainly processes personal data, such as name and picture, about employees in Metria's social channels. Sometimes personal data about an external person is processed, e.g. the name and picture of a representative of Metria's customer.

Legal basis

Metria always obtains consent from the person whose personal data is to appear on one of Metria's social channels.

Storage and deletion of personal data

Metria's social channels are deleted on an ongoing basis and we also remove posts that may be perceived as offensive or not relevant to the page.

Use of e-mail

Purpose of processing personal data

To facilitate communication and be able to communicate effectively with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders, Metria uses e-mail.

Personal data

Personal data that occurs is mainly name, contact information but other personal data may also occur.

Legal basis

Processing of personal data in e-mail is based on contract or a balance of interests.

Storage and deletion of personal data

Our email accounts are regularly purged in accordance with our email policy. Personal data contained in e-mails may be transferred to other registers and systems within Metria.

The protection of personal data

Metria has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. To ensure that personal data is processed in a secure and confidential manner, we use data networks that are intrusion-protected with, among other things, firewalls and password protection according to industry standards. To ensure the privacy of the personal data you provide over the internet, we may use encryption technology when transmitting such personal data over the internet to our servers.

Metria employees and suppliers are bound by confidentiality agreements and are required to comply with Metria's data protection, information and IT security policies and other internal regulations that further regulate the processing of personal data.

Access to personal data

Within Metria, as few people as possible should have access to your personal data. Only those people within Metria who need the data to perform their work have access to it. Metria has service agreements with companies that process personal data on behalf of Metria. These agreements contain, among other things, provisions on confidentiality and security when processing personal data. Metria is always responsible for the processing and you can contact Metria with questions about the processing. The data is processed in accordance with the purposes for which your personal data was collected.

Transfer to third countries

As a general rule, Metria only processes personal data within the EU/EEA. In cases where personal data is processed outside the EU/EEA, there is either a decision from the Commission that the third country in question ensures an adequate level of protection or appropriate safeguards that ensure that your rights are protected.

Controller of personal data

Metria AB, Box 30016, 104 25 Stockholm, Sweden 556799-2242 is the data controller for the processing of your personal data and is responsible for ensuring that such processing is carried out in accordance with applicable legislation.

Data protection 

Metria has appointed a contact for data protection, whose task is to ensure that Metria's processing of personal data is correct and in accordance with applicable rules. For example, the contactperson is tasked with helping customers to have incorrectly registered data corrected.

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or our use of your personal data, please contact  dataskydd(@)

Your rights

We are obliged to process only personal data that is accurate, relevant and necessary for our legitimate purposes, and you have the right to check that this is the case.

You have the right to be informed, free of charge, of the personal data that Metria processes about you and information about the scope and purpose of such processing, i.e. what personal data is processed, where it has been obtained, for what purpose(s) the processing is carried out and to whom the information is disclosed. Requests for register extracts are sent to Metria, see contact details below. The register extract will normally be sent to you within one month, to your registered address. Should it take more than one month, we will inform you of the reasons for the delay.

In addition to the right to obtain a register extract and to have personal data rectified, in certain cases you also have the right to object to the processing and to request that the personal data be erased, restricted (a marking that the processing of the personal data is to be limited to a specific purpose) and disclosed to you on an IT medium (data portability). Please note, however, that some personal data are necessary for the performance of certain tasks and cannot be restricted or deleted for this purpose. If you believe that any information about you is incorrect or misleading, you should contact us immediately. You always have the right to withdraw your consent and to object to the further processing of your personal data, if the processing is based on such consent.

Changes to this information

Metria reserves the right to revise this notice from time to time. The date of the most recent amendment is indicated in the introduction. If we make any changes, we will post those changes on this website.

Contact details

Metria AB
Attention: Data Protection
Box 30016
104 25 Stockholm, Sweden

E-mail: dataskydd(@)

According to data protection legislation, you have the right to lodge a complaint about the processing of your personal data with the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection. You can reach them via the e-mail address


Informed decisions with up-to-date geodata

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