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Identify and assess physical climate risks at the real estate level

Metria® Klimatindex Fastighet

Identify and assess physical climate risks at the real estate level

A changing climate affects the risk picture for climate-related events in society, including through an increased frequency of extreme weather. With geographic information, we can calculate where the risks are greatest and how these areas will be affected by events such as coastal and watercourse flooding, torrential rain, fire and erosion.

By combining different types of data from a range of different sources with Metria's own analyses, we can predict with high precision which buildings on a property are most exposed to climate-related risks.

Identifying, quantifying and assessing climate risks at the property level is becoming an increasingly important part, and in many cases a requirement, in for example valuation and credit assessment in real estate transactions, building prospecting and other types of land exploitation.

In our webinar on Metria Climate Index Real Estate, we address issues relevant to banks, insurance and real estate companies.

Här kan du se vårt webbinar Klimatindex Fastighet
Ett hus vid översvämning i Malmö

A national database of identified climate risksnationell databas med identifierade klimatrisker

With our service Metria Klimatindex Fastighet, we have created a national database with identified climate risks by combining data from a number of different data sources and datasets. By combining this with our own climate risk analyzes as well as property and building data, we can now cover all properties in Sweden with Metria's Climate Index Property. The risks that are assessed are different types of flood risks, fire spread risk and different types of landslide, landslide and erosion risks.

The climate index indicates the property's exposure to risk and the need for analysis

The climate index provides a quick overview of a property's exposure to risk and provides an opportunity to sum up and compare risk in a property portfolio. By using a climate index, the user can both get an overview of the property's exposure to risk and identify properties where further analysis should be done by assessing the underlying data.
Metria Klimatindex Fastighet is delivered both via file deliveries and as online searches via API calls.


At Metria we are experts

Within Metria, we are experts in property information and geographic data - with our extended business information offer, we can combine, for example, property valuations with analyzed climate factors - both as a packaged service or customer-specific analyses.

With the help of both satellite images and remote analysis, property information and market-leading map services, we create a picture of both designated climate risks and identify opportunities for reduced climate impact, as well as - on a graduated scale - make data available for the financial risk as a result of climate risks within a given area, a property or a business.

Whether you want to map your physical climate risks as part of your operational activities, for regulatory reporting requirements, or to meet increased demand from climate-conscious customers, Metria has both climate products and experts who can help your business deal with the climate transition in a sustainable way.



Combination and analysis of large amounts of data on climate-related risks.



Understanding of how individual properties or entire portfolios are affected by climate change.



Analyzes adapted to your business needs and future scenarios.

Do you want to know more about Metria Klimatindex Fastighet?

Contact our experts

Johan Hedman Key Account Manager


Telefon: 010-121 84 46

Johan Hedman Key Account Manager
Martin Hising Chef för Produkt- och Affärsutveckling


Telefon: 010-121 82 85

Martin Hising Chef för Produkt- och Affärsutveckling

Please feel free to contact us!

Do you want to know more or have questions? Please contact us.