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Metria in social channels

Here you will find information about how Metria® works in social channels. Metria is currently present in three social channels: Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

The purpose of being present in social channels is to meet private individuals and entrepreneurs in the channels they use on a daily basis.


On LinkedIn, we talk about Metria as an employer, what we do and how.
The communication is primarily aimed at people who would like to work at Metria now or in the future, and at existing employees.


On Facebook, we publish messages that concern larger groups of individuals, entrepreneurs or employers.


On Instagram, we publish messages about our IT operations in Umeå and Luleå, mainly for private individuals in the local area.

Our rules for social channels

When writing in or interacting with our social channels, it is important to keep in mind that:

  • posts in this forum will be visible to everyone who visits the page
  • never disclose private information such as account numbers or social security numbers
  • if someone other than Metria answers a question, we do not take responsibility for that post

If you choose to like the page, you also agree to receive our posts in your own feed, but you can choose to unlike the page or hide any or all of our posts at any time.

These posts will be removed

If you post on our social media pages, you must follow our guidelines. We will remove any posts that

  • are not relevant to the page
  • contain links that are not relevant to the page
  • violate Swedish law
  • are offensive, inflammatory or violate the personal integrity of individuals
  • contain incitement to racial hatred, slander or insult
  • contain insults or threats against a person or organization
  • contains depictions of violence
  • contributes to copyright infringement
  • is written for marketing purposes
  • contravenes the social media's own rules, which we may also report to the media channel.

This means that posts should be kept to the point, keep a good tone and not contain profanity. Users who do not follow Metria's rules may be blocked.

Informed decisions with up-to-date geodata

We support you from needs analysis to solution, operation and delivery.
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