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Metria Topografi 10 (Topography 10)

Topography 10 vector contains, among other things, buildings, types of land, roads, hydrography and place-names suitable to use in the scale range 1:1,000 - 1:20,000.

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Product descriptionPremium e-handeln-2


Timeliness: Updated 12 times a year
Delivery format:
Shape, Geopackage
Elevation curves:
5 m equidistance

Topography 10 contains, among other things, buildings, facilities, soil types, hydrography and roads from the Swedish Transport Administration as well as Lantmäteriet's reviewed and approved names taken from the Place Name Register.

Topography 10 is based on Lantmäteriet's basic geographic databases where the information has been collected with different quality in terms of location uncertainty, content and timeliness. Topography 10 includes buildings, land types, roads and hydrography. Topography 10 contains Lantmäteriet's reviewed and approved names that are included in the Place Name Register.

Topography 10 is ideal as a background map and as input data for GIS applications. It is suitable for use in the scale ranges 1:1 000 - 1:20 000. The content includes buildings, soil types, roads, hydrography, as well as Lantmäteriet's reviewed and approved names found in the Place Name Register.

Topography 10 can be combined with other vector products, such as Fastighetsindelning. The vector format allows you to tailor the map to your own business.

You can:

  • add and link your own information to objects in the map
  • integrate the map information into your own system
  • combine with information from the Land Registry, such as building data




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Always open, pay by card or invoice.

How to shop in our e-commerce

To shop in our e-commerce, you can choose between;

  • payby card with access to raster products and reports and pay per purchase by credit card. You create an account directly in the service and you are quickly up and running.
  • sign an agreement and become a premium user and you also get access to vector products and the option to choose more formats. You pay by invoice or card. An agreement costs SEK 1,500 per year and an initial fee of SEK 500.

If you have any questions or would like to sign a contract, please contact or one of our sales representatives.

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Linus Bruce Product Manager


Telephone: 010-121 83 25

Linus Bruce Product Manager

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